It's been a beautiful week here in Northern California...We've had more of that much needed rain, outings with friends, special lunches on the coast and a quick visit from our son!  So many wonderful memories!  Next week I'll be sure to write a new post, but this week was spent enjoying these special times with loved ones and thanking God for His blessings! It was a beautiful thing!

Where has God shown you His beauty this week? Please join me to share the blessing that God is to you in your life. Write a post on your own blog and then simply click on the "You're Next" linky below and enter your blog information. You can find more information about Sharing His Beauty by clicking the tab in my top menu.

You can also Tweet your participation by clicking here: #Sharinghisbeauty

I'd also love to hear from you in the comment section of my blog! You may leave a comment on this post to tell of the beauty you have found in His hands. Be sure to visit some of the other inspirational sites linked up and be encouraged today!


  1. So glad to hear that you had a great weekend with your son, Joan! Hugs

    1. Thanks, Lyli! It was such a special time!

  2. This week beauty was found in spending wonderful time with my family, and in safe travels!


    1. Such a blessing! Thanks for linking up today!

  3. Joan, I'm so envious. What beauty! Our turn will come soon. Next month, perhaps.

  4. I just found your site, but too late for this week's linkup - it had already closed. But I'd like to invite you to mine. It's a weekly linkup called Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday, and it stays open all week long. Please come link up and share your beautiful photos, and let me know if you'd like me to include your linkup on my sidebar.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Sue! Thanks for stopping by! I host this link up each Monday, you are more than welcome to come again! Thanks for the invitation to Wordless Wednesday! I'll check it out!

      Blessings, Joan


Join the conversation! (Be sure to add your first name so I know who I'm talking to!)