My inspiration to start blogging back in 2010 grew from my desire to encourage other women to come to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Originally writing at The Beauty in His Grip, I shared my belief that everything in our lives happens for a reason and the life lessons learned along the way should be shared with others in order to encourage and offer hope to those willing to hear.

I have learned that we can never fall so far that we are beyond the reach of God. There are no lost causes. I am living proof. It doesn't matter how rocky our pasts; God loves us and will always accept us when we surrender our lives to Him. With Christ, we can live a life of abundant joy simply by knowing and experiencing Him through His mercy, grace, and unfailing love. Over the years I have been learning just “how wide and high and deep God’s love really is” (Ephesians 3:18). Through both smooth and challenging times in my life, I have seen God’s faithfulness and I face each day secure in my hope in Him!

My prayer is that God will use my writings to encourage other women and as a result bring honor and glory to Him.

Secure in Hope,

P.S. I have imported my posts from The Beauty in His Grip into this site in order to streamline my writing. The posts are listed chronologically.