Worry - A Word to the Wise
Good morning, Friends! It has been a long time since I've posted here other than on Mondays for the Sharing His Beauty blog link-up. However, after re-reading one of my older posts, I wanted to put it up for you today. You see, over the past few weeks, I have been a bit stressed. We have been purchasing a home (incredibly stressful process!) as well as needing to handle some really important things regarding my mom, her health and her living situation. During this time, I have been seeking God in His word and through prayer and have been comforted by His guidance and peace. However, every now and then, I succumbed to worry and allowed my external situation to cause internal turmoil. But, God is always good and He carried me through even those difficult times of anxiety and fear. As He always does, He has proven Himself faithful and I'm praising Him today!
So, with all that said, I hope you enjoy this post on worry... (Just click the link below.) I think I should have read it a couple of weeks ago! LOL...
Wiser Than I
Worry. We all have done it. None of us like it. It seems to be one of those nagging constants in life that we can’t get rid of. If you are anything like I am, over the years you may have worried about your living situation, your job, family, health, salvation of someone dear, the weather, and my personal favorite - the future! The list could go on and on. With all my worrying, I have learned two important lessons: one is that worrying never solves anything and the other is that worrying wears me down. And when I am worn down, I am less able to handle the challenges that come my way. If that is the case, then why do it? It is natural to care for those we love and want the best for them. We also tend to want to figure things out…and figure them out now! But God’s word tells us not to do that. Instead, we are to trust in Christ. Our energy is better spent offering our troubles to the Lord in prayer! Then we will have peace as we face the concerns in our life.
Trusting God and giving Him our worries doesn’t mean we won’t have trials. But it does mean that He will help us through our trials. God is always with us and He always cares. There is nothing so trivial that God doesn’t see and know. “Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you” (1 Peter 5:7). God has a plan for our lives and each thing that happens plays a part in bringing that plan to fruition.
One of the things that I know to be true is that God is much wiser than I am! (Oh, so much wiser!) His word offers such help as we struggle on our journeys to a better understand of His love for us. I am learning daily to trust Him for all the cares and worries in my life. He is able (and more than willing) to handle them all! Below is a great list of reasons not to worry, which I have printed out and tucked into my Bible. Each one is supported by a wonderful verse from the book of Matthew. I thought I’d share them with you today.
Seven Reasons Not to Worry:
I pray that as we face each day, our hearts will be at peace as we offer our concerns to God! May we all learn the true joy of fully trusting our Lord!
Living for Him,
So, with all that said, I hope you enjoy this post on worry... (Just click the link below.) I think I should have read it a couple of weeks ago! LOL...
Wiser Than I
Worry. We all have done it. None of us like it. It seems to be one of those nagging constants in life that we can’t get rid of. If you are anything like I am, over the years you may have worried about your living situation, your job, family, health, salvation of someone dear, the weather, and my personal favorite - the future! The list could go on and on. With all my worrying, I have learned two important lessons: one is that worrying never solves anything and the other is that worrying wears me down. And when I am worn down, I am less able to handle the challenges that come my way. If that is the case, then why do it? It is natural to care for those we love and want the best for them. We also tend to want to figure things out…and figure them out now! But God’s word tells us not to do that. Instead, we are to trust in Christ. Our energy is better spent offering our troubles to the Lord in prayer! Then we will have peace as we face the concerns in our life.
“Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ” (Philippians 4:6-7).
Trusting God and giving Him our worries doesn’t mean we won’t have trials. But it does mean that He will help us through our trials. God is always with us and He always cares. There is nothing so trivial that God doesn’t see and know. “Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you” (1 Peter 5:7). God has a plan for our lives and each thing that happens plays a part in bringing that plan to fruition.
One of the things that I know to be true is that God is much wiser than I am! (Oh, so much wiser!) His word offers such help as we struggle on our journeys to a better understand of His love for us. I am learning daily to trust Him for all the cares and worries in my life. He is able (and more than willing) to handle them all! Below is a great list of reasons not to worry, which I have printed out and tucked into my Bible. Each one is supported by a wonderful verse from the book of Matthew. I thought I’d share them with you today.
Seven Reasons Not to Worry:
- The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life. (Matthew 6:25)
- Worrying about the future hampers your efforts for today. (Matthew 6:26)
- Worrying is more harmful than helpful. (Matthew 6:27)
- God does not ignore those who depend on Him. (Matthew 6:28-30)
- Worry shows a lack of faith and understanding of God. (Matthew 6:31, 32)
- There are real challenges God wants us to pursue, and worrying keeps us from them. (Matthew 6:33)
- Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry. (Matthew 6:34)
Living for Him,
Joan,What a great reminder!! I am in the process of moving and to say I have been a tad stressed is probably an understatement . I love this post!! Thanks for your encouraging words!! Congrats on your new home!!! Blessings!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you were encouraged today, Stacey! I'm praying for you during your move! May God fill you with His spirit and strength as you go through this time! May you feel joy and excitement rather than stress and worry!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Joan
Amen Joan. I used to worry all the time. I even worried about my worrying. It's exhausting. I love your seven reasons not to worry. I need to save those. Thank you my friend. And I hope the external becomes less stressful for you very soon. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteI'm in a *worry cycle* right now, too. And it's so difficult. I commiserate with you as you deal with your mom's situation. I am right in the middle of those circumstances, too. But, how encouraging to know that we never walk even one step alone! Thanks for the timely reminder.
ReplyDeleteGOD BLESS!
Amen on all the things, Joan. I love your Reason's not to worry list (With scripture to back it up even! Awesome. THANK YOU! )
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sharita! The answer is always in God's word, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Joan
Joan, thank you so much for this encouraging post! I love the way the seven reasons not to worry come straight from scripture! Many blessings to you ❤️
ReplyDeleteYou're right...knowing that we are not alone definitely helps us as we travel difficult roads. He lifts our burdens and makes our paths smooth!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Joan
I'm glad you were encouraged, Beth! Blessings!
ReplyDeleteI love that..."worried about my worrying"! LOL It is exhausting! I"m glad you found this post helpful -- I'm so glad I reposted it! Blessings, Joan
ReplyDeleteGreat repost! Sometimes worry does creep up and you have some great truths to take those thoughts captive. Thank You! Visiting from the Weekend Brew! Blessings! Love, Rachael
ReplyDeleteStaying close to the Lord and giving Him our worries is what I've found to be so helpful! Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Joan
Love this, Joan! In my latest post (Feeling Weak, Writing Strong), I talked about how I write to encourage others but also because I need the reminder myself. I often have to go back and re-read what I have written. Isn't it funny how that works?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouraging post. May we all seek His face and His word when our external circumstances cause inner turmoil. I'm so thankful for the peace He promises to fill us with when we do that. May He continue to fill your cup to overflowing. Praying for your mom and your move. Blessings.
it's so easy for me to fall into worry. I know we aren't supposed to, but I think it's our human nature to lean that direction. I am learning to trust Him even when I cannot see in front of me.
ReplyDeleteGreat reminder for us all, Joan, that worry has no value at all. I think for me,it is one of those things that I think I have overcome, then it creeps back into my life. A continual battle that only God can help us win over! Thanks for sharing!
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