“Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; 
my body also will rest secure.” Psalm 16:9

Today, Lord, I was tempted to let my mood become gloomy. That can happen when I am alone and I allow my thoughts to focus on times and people I miss. But, I have so much to be thankful for! You have blessed me with so much and I am so grateful! Thank you for giving me the strength to turn away from my melancholy thoughts and remember the incredible blessings you have given me – the love, the joys, the peace! You are my fortress and in you I am safe. I am rejoicing as I stand strong within your loving embrace! Thank you for the life you have given me and the incredible blessing of knowing you!

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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  1. Rejoice! Get Joy! Love those phrases and we all need to hear them once and awhile... or maybe even more often!

  2. Hi Jenilee! Yes, especially at this time of year! I'm trying to focus on the joys of the season and there is much to rejoice for!

    Blessings, Joan

  3. Oh such beautiful words. God bless.

    Thanks for linking with Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday. God bless!

  4. saltshakmk@msn.comDecember 11, 2013

    Blessings to you Joan - REJOICE! What a glorious word!

  5. As we rejoice this Christmas, may you be filled with His joy!

  6. bluecottonmemoryDecember 12, 2013

    Beautiful photo - and grace-filled prayer to remind me to rejoice. Blessings to you my friend, in the alone times!

  7. Beautiful, as always. Your prayers get me every time. LOVE them! Sorry for the delay in getting by but please know I'm so grateful to have you link up every week!
    Many blessings,

  8. Hi Beth! I know things are busy right now with Christmas only a few days away! I'm finding it difficult to get to all the different blogs I usually read, too! I'm so glad you like the prayers! Blessings, Joan


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