If your e-mail inbox is anything like mine, it can become inundated with junk mail! Even the traditional mail I receive is most often ads and offers that I have no interest in. Much of the spam promises quick fixes to money woes, easy solutions to beauty flaws and more! I know that it is useless to even read many of the ads because they are ridiculous scams or simply an incentive to waste my money. So, I hit the “delete” key often and throw the offending paperwork in the trash. But, there is one kind of mail that I never tire of receiving -- words from God! God speaks to us in so many ways. We hear from Him as we worship and pray, but one of my favorite ways, where I hear His message the clearest, is through His Word.

Many years ago, during my wilderness time, I put my Bible away on a shelf. I had fallen into the bad habit of not wanting to hear what He was saying to me. Rather than seek Him out for guidance and help, I turned and ran, thinking that I could hide. The result was disastrous. Then, on one traumatic evening when I was alone and afraid, I was inexplicably drawn to His Word. As tears streamed down my face I held its leather bound pages in my hands and let it fall open. There, staring me in the face were words I had never read before, but words that were exactly the ones I needed to hear. They weren't placating words, as they were hard to read.  But, I knew in that moment they revealed the truth. They went straight to my heart and turned my life around. Has that ever happened to you? If so, please don’t think of it as mere coincidence. God’s Word always has meaning and always accomplishes His purpose, for God never sends junk mail.    

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize 
what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 
God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 

The Bible is the infallible, inspired Word of God. Through it, we are reminded of God’s redemptive love and grace. His words guide us, lead us and give us hope. It always accomplish exactly what God has planned.  Amazing!

“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. 
It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it” (Isaiah 55:11). 

I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty good to me.

Keeping His mail,

Linked with Winsome Wednesdays


  1. Seems like the spiritual *junk mail* in my inbox comes from the enemy. I usually just *return to sender!*

    Love my Bible!


  2. Ouch! I know I sometimes skip over God's Word just like I do my junk mail! But I know very well that on a day to day basis I ought to have a daily intake of the Word to feed my soul and provide the supplement that is necessary for strength and direction. A “daily dose” of His Word is essential because our spiritual health depends on it! :)

    Happy October blessings!!

  3. I admit, I've done that, too. But I have also found that when I stop and focus even on the smallest of verses, there is always something in it that blesses!

    Have a great day, Denise!

    Blessings, Joan

  4. Yep...we need to focus on the truth that comes from the Lord and not the lies that the enemy would have us believe. "Return to sender" is the best plan for the untruths!

    Blessings, Joan

  5. Oh yes, so often! It's alive!

  6. We can find the answers to all our questions and comfort for all our hurts within its pages!!

  7. lorihatcherOctober 06, 2013

    I went through a deep season of disappointment, hurt, and betrayal, but because I had established the habit of an early morning quiet time, it was my default setting to go to God's Word, even on the morning following the greatest hurt of my life. As I opened my Bible, God met me in such a real and personal way that I knew He was speaking his truth into my life. His Words righted my upended life and brought comfort, hope, and perspective. In the intervening years, his promises to me that day have begun to come to fruition, and my faith continues to grow. If I hadn't established the habit of a daily quiet time in the "good years," I would have missed God's comfort and empowering in the "bad years." How thankful I am.

  8. I love how God's word always has the right word for our situation! Getting into the very good "habit" of starting the day with God during our quiet times deepens our relationship and teaches us to keep our ears trained on Him! What a blessing!


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