Do you remember that poster years ago of a little cat hanging onto a rope? The caption said, “Hang in there, Baby!” That picture has stayed in my mind for many years as a positive reminder to have hope and not to give up. Right now, however, I feel like the frightened cat, but without the hopeful caption! I am tenuously hanging onto the end of a loosely knotted rope, dangling over a great big hole. I feel at any moment, my grip will release and down I’ll tumble, into the vacuum, scraping more than just a knee. Boy! How’s that for not very uplifting? I am sorry -- I always try to be encouraging in my posts and in my outlook on life, but recently, that has been difficult to do. Stresses and tensions seem to keep coming at me like a battering ram and I’m just so tired and worn down.

It seems, though, that God is trying to get through to me. I read several of my blogging friend’s posts today and each one had a message of encouragement for me. Tracy Teppler from, My Daily Walk in His Grace, said it aptly when she wrote, “Sometimes it just feels like the good old days are a thing of the past!” But then, she went on to remind her readers that our trials are only for a season. “This too, shall pass.” I know I need to remember that… I also know that I need to run to my Savior, and run fast!

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

I am not alone in my troubles. My God is here with me, ready, willing and able to carry me through. He will protect me when I am vulnerable and He will strengthen me when I am weak. Though some days I feel I am literally walking “through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For my God is with me!” (Psalm 23:4) I know that in Him, I am safe.

Right now, at this very moment, I am giving my burdens to the Lord! He is more than big enough to handle it all, especially when I cannot. I am “hanging in there, Baby!” And if for some reason the knot at the end of the rope does come undone, I know my Savior will safely catch me in His loving arms.

Hanging in there,


  1. Iris NelsonJune 05, 2013

    It is true, Joan. I have those days too. I had one of those yesterday at work. I almost started crying (and that at the age of 52). But last night I listened to the Bible (not even enough energy to read) and this today went much better. Thank you for sharing from your heart.

  2. No matter what age we are, we always need the Lord! I know we will all have tough times, but when they come, they always seem to surprise me! Thank God that He is always near, ready and waiting to lift us up!

    Blessings, Joan

  3. Iris NelsonJune 05, 2013

    Amen to that :)

  4. Even the most uplifting, encouraging, and gifted people (yup; I am talking about you sweet sister!) can have moments of discouragement and despair, however I have no doubt in my mind that you will overcome this...because those whose hearts are alive with faith (you again!) recognize the blessings in everyday things. :)

    Prayers and bunches of hugs as you "hang n there" friend!


  5. Hi Denise, sometimes its in the knowing we are not alone in feeling this way that also encourages I think. I am grateful that God finds ways to get out attention, to show us firstly that He hears, and secondly, we are not alone. He has provided encouragement and friendship and whatever it is we need to get through. Praying for you my friend
    God bless

  6. Denise indeed, I mean Joan (see? Tired and I should be away from this computer, lol)

  7. carolvanderwoudeJune 07, 2013

    God is ever faithful. Keeping a journal has been a help to me--I don't always see/feel God's presence during hard struggles. But when I read my journal weeks or months later I saw the imprint of God's hand. I will pray for you today.

  8. That is such a great suggestion. I have also discovered that even when I haven't felt Him near, in retrospect I can see all He has done and know He never leaves me! That is a true comfort!

    Thank you for your prayers! Blessings, Joan

  9. Thanks, Tracy! Well, if you accidentally called me "Denise" I am honored :-) She is such an encouraging person, too! (see below). Anyway, thank you for your prayers and your encouragement! It feels wonderful to know that my sisters-in-Christ are praying! I feel so much better today and I know it is because of changing my focus, relying on God, and being thankful for all He has done! Blessings, Joan

  10. Joan, I thought of this verse that greatly encouraged me during a very hard time:

    As for you also, because of the blood of My covenant with you,
    I have set your prisoners free from the waterless pit.
    Return to the stronghold, O prisoners who have the hope;
    This very day I am declaring that I will restore double to you.
    Zechariah 9:11-12 nasb
    I am praying for you.

  11. Great verse, Karen! Thank you! God promises to restore us and we can trust in His promises!

  12. Hi Friend...thanks for sharing so honestly. That is so refreshing and somehow in our weakness there is some great strength. For me, I find I connect with people in a sweet way through sharing our weakness, disappointments, discouragements--we all have them--I guess that's why we can connect so easily when we are honest about them. You are a great lady, dear friend, rich resource!

  13. Dear Joan
    Oh, I am sorry to hear that you are at a difficult place at the moment! I always tell myself when I am there that it is only a shadow of death, but NOT death itself! The One walking with me has already overcame death.

  14. He is always there when the knot shifts. But trials are still hard and I'm so sorry you are going through so many at a time. I'll be praying throughout next week that you'll feel Jesus close. that you'll feel your heart encouraged and God will send a special blessing your way.

  15. Thanks, Valerie! It can be difficult to be transparent, but when we are, God seems to pour on the blessings! Thank you for your encouragement and friendship!

    Hugs, Joan

  16. Oh! I like that! What a good insight the valley is only the SHADOW of death and not actual death. Jesus has over come the grave! We can stand strong in that truth!

    Blessings, Joan

  17. Thank you, Pamela! I already feel so encouraged knowing my friends and sisters-in-Christ are praying with me right now. What a joy it is to be part of the Body of Christ!

    Blessings, Joan

  18. Joan, I read an interpretation of that verse in Psalm 23 which said that the valley of the shadow of death could also be interpreted as "the valley of darkness." When we got through trials, that's what it feels like--a valley of darkness.But God is with us there. Even in your trial, you are still an encouragement. Praying for you because I know firsthand how difficult and wearing those trials can be.

  19. Thank you, Janis! Yes, God promises that no matter where I am, God is there with me! That is such an encouragement and gives me strength through tough times!

    Blessings, Joan

  20. I'm right there with you friend. We'll hang in there together. Life always has its challenges but sometimes it seems enough is enough. But it also reminds me to keep an eternal perspective. We may not understand the whys of everything we go through but it's all used for our good.

    Blessings and love,

  21. Beautiful words of encouragement!

  22. Hi Debbie!

    Yes, God always works for the good in all things. We simply can't see the whole picture! I am trusting that the season I'm going through is nothing in comparison to God's eternal plan!

    Blessings, Joan

    P.S. I'll always make room at the end of the rope for you, sweet friend! lol

  23. Thank you, Susan! It is so good to remember that God is always with us and will always carry us through the rough times!

    Blessings, Joan

  24. Women AbidingJune 10, 2013

    God be with you, Joan! May He continue to encourage you and speak to your heart through His infinite Word. With love and prayer, Tehila

  25. Thank you so much...I have felt his encouragement so strongly this week, since I wrote this post. It is amazing what a little prayer can do!
    Blessings, Joan

  26. charlotte71June 11, 2013

    This post is both discouraging and encouraging. I'm glad it ended on the encouraging note. You certainly have the right answer to the problem. Hang in there, Baby. What a good illustration. God bless you as you "hang in there."


  27. Yes, I began the post I was feeling pretty discouraged. I normally don't write when I feel that way, but I felt I needed to this time. And, it was amazing! By the time I finished writing, the weight on my shoulders already started feeling lighter. Then, over the course of the week, as I prayed, changed my focus, and felt the support of my sisters-in-Christ, God encouraged and strengthened me! I am so thankful...Our God is so good!

    Blessings, Joan


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