Purpose.  Thirty three years before Jesus walked the dusty road to Calvary, He came to this earth in the body of an infant.  The Creator became the created; wholly Divine and yet wholly human.  In that humble stable 2000 years ago, as a young mother strained and angels watched, God put His plan into motion.  Jesus was born into this world to give us a gift unimaginable.  He came to bring us peace with God.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. 
I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled 
and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

Since sin first entered the world through an act of deception in the garden, we have been separated from God.  But Jesus made a way through His ultimate sacrifice on the cross to become reconciled.  At the moment of His death, the curtain in the temple was torn allowing us direct access to our Heavenly Father. Through our surrender and acceptance of Him, our sins are washed away.  There is no longer reason to fear the terrors of this world for our future is secure with Him.

“Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, 
we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us” (Romans 5:1).

So on this Sunday, as we light the second candle in Advent and unwrap the gift of peace, let us remember the purpose for which our Lord was born into this imperfect world.  He came for you and me.

Living for Him,

Linked with Spiritual Sundays 

Please join me beginning 6:00 p.m. Sunday for Sharing His Beauty and share the blessing that God is to you in your life. Simply click on the "You're Next" linky below and enter your blog information.

Or, if you choose, you may leave a comment on my post to tell of the beauty you have found in His hands. Be sure to visit some of the other inspirational sites linked up and be encouraged today!


  1. Ugochi JolomiDecember 08, 2012

    He has broken down the walls of partition, this post gets me shouting for joy. To know that I have peace with God is elating! Thanks a lot for sharing Joan, have a super blessed weekend!

  2. Praise God for the gift of His Son!

  3. He is the greatest gift of all! Blessings Karen!

  4. I am shouting for joy, too! Just to know that we can come directly to Him is incredible! I am so thankful for this awesome gift!

    Blessings to you, Ugochi!

  5. Love this time of year and what it means.

    Encouraging Thoughts for Life

  6. Our Peace, wrapped up in a baby... The Prince of Peace. Thank you for so beautifully unwrapping the unimaginable gift for us on this special day through your words, Joan.

  7. Yes, it is a special time full of incredible blessings!

  8. It is amazing to me that God so loved us that He sent His Son for us. Peace with God...a truly wonder-full gift!

  9. Kendal PrivetteDecember 09, 2012

    he came to plead my case....hallelujah!

  10. Peace!!! it's hard to explain it to someone but the peace He gives satisfies like nothing else.

  11. ...and incredible gift, isn't it? Praise God for His love for us!

  12. So true...it is a peace that exists even when our world is spinning out of control. I am so thankful for our God!

  13. Laurie CollettDecember 10, 2012

    Praise God for the peace that passes all understanding, brought by the reconciliation of sinful man to Holy God by the death, burial & resurrection of His Son. Thanks for hosting & God bless!

  14. Because of God's indescribable gift, I can have peace about growing older. Even death will never hold me because of that empty tomb!!


  15. I'm praising God for His incredible gift, too! Blessings, Joan

  16. That's true! Getting older is something I think about more now than when I was 20...but it is nothing to fear! Our future is secure with God!

    Blessings, Joan

  17. Thanking God today for that peace that surpasses my understanding. Thanks for reminding us of it today.

  18. The peace in the the midst of the storm is an incredible gift! Blessings, Joan

  19. Thanks for hosting the link up. I found you at 'With All Joy.' God bless ~

  20. Hi, Joan! It's such a comfort to remember that we can have peace, even in these tumultuous times, through Christ! What a wonderful gift He has bestowed upon those who have a relationship with Him.
    Blessings, friend!
    Ann @ Christ in the Clouds

  21. I'm so glad you stopped by! Blessings, Joan

  22. It is a gift beyond words, isn't it? Blessings to you, Joan


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