The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day" (Proverbs 4:18).

Thank you, Lord, for the journey we are taking together! Each day, as I come to know you more and more, I am encouraged. I am blessed by the shaping and molding of your hands. Continue your work in me, Lord, until I shine your light as bright as day! I want the world to see the hope I have in you...the hope you also offer to them! In Jesus' name, Amen.

Linked with:
Word Filled Wednesdays
Thought Provoking Thursday
Scattering The Stones' Thankful Thursday
Weekend Prayer Wall


  1. Thanks, Joan. Such a beautiful way to start the day. God's glory shines through in this post.

  2. I love that verse ~ thank you Lord

  3. May we all shine brighter and brighter each day for Jesus!

  4. Beauteous... Love the photo and the prayer...
    ~ Pam,

  5. Thank you Pam! Have a blessed day!

  6. This made me smile and amen right along with you :)

  7. A smile is a good thing! =) Blessings to you, Salina!

  8. Amen! What a beautiful scripture-prayer! Thank you for sharing & linking up! Abundant blessings!

  9. Thank you, Mari-Anna! I love the path that God is taking me on...for His path is always the right one! I was a bit late in linking up...but at least I still got in on Sunday! =) Blessings to you!

  10. Thanks, Joan. Such a beautiful way to start the day. God's glory shines through in this post.

  11. Thank you for your encouraging post! Sorry it took me a while to respond...for some reason my Disqus comment form wasn't working with your comment on 10/10...but it's here now! Blessings!

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  14. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I'm glad you were encouraged by this post. Our God is an awesome, God, isn't He? Blessings to you!


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