Do you ever have doubts? Does something either happen, or not happen, which causes you to wonder if God is really there? I think if we’re honest, most of us have experienced moments of disbelief from time to time. Those instances can be distressing. The good news is, God can handle our doubts! I am reminded of the healing miracle Jesus performed when a worried father brought his ill son to Him. The disciples couldn’t heal the boy due to their weak faith and the father’s pleading to Jesus was unsure. “…But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” Jesus responded by telling the father that, “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”…and the boy was healed (Mark 9:22-24, paraphrased).
God understands that we will have times of doubt. He is a loving God and He welcomes us to come to Him, even with our weak faith. His word tells us that the mustard seed, though very tiny, will grow into a great plant when encouraged. So, likewise, when we come to Him, with faith as small as a mustard seed, He will strengthen and reassure us! I encourage you, if you enter into a time of uncertainty, to first pray. Ask God to strengthen your faith and remove your doubts, just as the father in the passage above did. Open God’s word and listen for His voice to speak to you through its pages. Think back over the times when God has been a tangible force in your life. Remember the miracles, the answered prayers – and the blessed “coincidences” that happen just at the right time. Mark them down and make a record of them. God has been writing our testimonies our entire lives…let’s remember them, share them, and be encouraged!
The result will be that as we remember and share with thanksgiving the things that God has done in our lives, our mustard-seed faith will grow strong. He will encourage us through our praises of Him and as we glorify His name, our doubts will disappear…for everything is possible for one who believes!
Placing my trust in Him,
God understands that we will have times of doubt. He is a loving God and He welcomes us to come to Him, even with our weak faith. His word tells us that the mustard seed, though very tiny, will grow into a great plant when encouraged. So, likewise, when we come to Him, with faith as small as a mustard seed, He will strengthen and reassure us! I encourage you, if you enter into a time of uncertainty, to first pray. Ask God to strengthen your faith and remove your doubts, just as the father in the passage above did. Open God’s word and listen for His voice to speak to you through its pages. Think back over the times when God has been a tangible force in your life. Remember the miracles, the answered prayers – and the blessed “coincidences” that happen just at the right time. Mark them down and make a record of them. God has been writing our testimonies our entire lives…let’s remember them, share them, and be encouraged!
“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds. Exult in his holy name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord. Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles, and the rulings he has given” (Psalm 105:1-5).
The result will be that as we remember and share with thanksgiving the things that God has done in our lives, our mustard-seed faith will grow strong. He will encourage us through our praises of Him and as we glorify His name, our doubts will disappear…for everything is possible for one who believes!
Placing my trust in Him,
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I often have many doubts when I stay focused on the circumstances around me and not Him. It's hard when He is silent. Thanks for the encouragement.
ReplyDeleteGreat point! When we change our focus from our circumstances to God instead, we will begin to see Him again and our doubts will fade!
ReplyDeleteThank you Joan for the reminder to take our doubts and questions to God. There has been many a time when "I believe, help my unbelief" is my prayer. God is always faithful! Praise Him.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Brenda's comment that my doubts come when I am focused on my circumstances instead of God.
Hi Joan,
ReplyDeleteI have a joy journal where I record all the things that God has blessed me with, including lovely comments by friends, when I have been encouraged, how He has answered my prayers... This helps so much through the storms of life.
I think you're right. I think if we're truthful we will all admit that there have been times. Once in a while when I hear something negative about God, Jesus, the Bible, etc., just for a second a doubt runs through my mind, but it doesn't stay there. It passes right through and I again do not doubt.
ReplyDeleteThank you for liking the Facebook page for Spiritual Sundays.
I've had those doubtful times and afterward wondered, "What was I thinking?" I'm thankful the times are few and never last...I've proven God's truth, goodness and love too many times to let Satan plant his doubts. The mustard seed grows as doubt disappears.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is so important to keep our focus on the Lord, rather than on our circumstances! And I am so grateful that He welcomes us to come to Him at all different times in our faith walk! He is indeed a faithful God!
ReplyDeleteIt is such a blessing to keep a journal! I love to be reminded of the blessings God has given me and how He has answered my prayers in such powerful ways!
ReplyDeleteIt's important not to get "hung up" on those passing doubts, but instead, submit them to the Lord! Then, as we depend on His understanding and now our own, our faith takes root and grows! Blessings, Charlotte!
ReplyDelete"What was I thinking?" has gone through my mind as well! When I "review" the things God has done in my life and where He has brought me through the years, I am amazed that a doubt ever hits my brain! You are right, I think the enemy plants doubts and loves Christians to wonder. However, God's truth is my life, in the lives of other believers and in His Word! I am so thankful!
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