Dry Bones
I can barely imagine the sight that reached Ezekiel’s eyes when he came across the Valley of the Dry Bones! (Ezekiel 37:1-14) What was once a mighty army for the Lord was now reduced to a scattered and lifeless pile of rubble as far as his eyes could see. The strength and vitality of these warriors was long gone. Their battle was lost, their usefulness seemingly finished. We can feel like that sometimes - useless, defeated and empty of faith. We become demoralized and fail to live out the promises that God has given us. We become dry bones baking in the sun, never reaching our promised land.
How many times have we wished for new life in our churches and families, but the task seems impossible, so we simply give up? We turn away and follow the easy road rather than persevering through what we believe to be impossible odds. Maybe we have a failing marriage, or a child who has turned away from the Lord. Our hearts break, and we think the battle is too much for us to survive, so we run and hide. Opposition may occur in our society that makes us fearful to stand upon our beliefs and as a result, our faith becomes white-washed in order to fit the current culture. Our faith loses its vitality and strength. But all these scenarios do not have to end in defeat, for with God, all things are possible!
To Ezekiel’s eyes, the valley must have been an incredibly depressing and miserable sight. But to God’s eyes, there was an entirely different picture. At the Lord’s command, Ezekiel spoke God’s words of truth and the army came back to life by the breath of Holy Spirit. Oh how I pray for that breath of life to fall on me and those around me! I pray that God breathes life into our churches and families and rises up within us mighty warriors for Him! May He open up the graves in the hearts of those who have turned away from Him, and breathe life into their souls so that their faith is strong and unyielding. I pray that His Holy Wind revitalizes us, stirring up courage within us so we can face our battles victoriously with Him. Come, Holy Spirit come, do a great work in our hearts today!
We can and will have victory if we allow our dried bones to be made new. For, what we perceive as lost is never beyond God’s reach. Our dead and dying faith can be revived for God Has promised us victory through Him…and He is a God of His Word.
Standing firm in His promises,
How many times have we wished for new life in our churches and families, but the task seems impossible, so we simply give up? We turn away and follow the easy road rather than persevering through what we believe to be impossible odds. Maybe we have a failing marriage, or a child who has turned away from the Lord. Our hearts break, and we think the battle is too much for us to survive, so we run and hide. Opposition may occur in our society that makes us fearful to stand upon our beliefs and as a result, our faith becomes white-washed in order to fit the current culture. Our faith loses its vitality and strength. But all these scenarios do not have to end in defeat, for with God, all things are possible!
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible’” (Matthew 19:26).
To Ezekiel’s eyes, the valley must have been an incredibly depressing and miserable sight. But to God’s eyes, there was an entirely different picture. At the Lord’s command, Ezekiel spoke God’s words of truth and the army came back to life by the breath of Holy Spirit. Oh how I pray for that breath of life to fall on me and those around me! I pray that God breathes life into our churches and families and rises up within us mighty warriors for Him! May He open up the graves in the hearts of those who have turned away from Him, and breathe life into their souls so that their faith is strong and unyielding. I pray that His Holy Wind revitalizes us, stirring up courage within us so we can face our battles victoriously with Him. Come, Holy Spirit come, do a great work in our hearts today!
“…despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours
through Christ, who loved us” (Romans 8:37).
We can and will have victory if we allow our dried bones to be made new. For, what we perceive as lost is never beyond God’s reach. Our dead and dying faith can be revived for God Has promised us victory through Him…and He is a God of His Word.
Standing firm in His promises,
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