I love the song, “Courageous” by Casting Crowns.  Even though its message is geared toward men, encouraging them to be leaders and stand up for God and His principles, its lyrics speak to my soul.  I find that recently, praying for courage is something that is daily on my heart.  I long to be the woman God created me to be.  I have the desire to stand up and face the challenges in my life with strength and dignity, but so often I think I fail miserably.  It seems I would rather run and hide than be the warrior I know I should be. 

I do take heart knowing that I have a Friend along the road that I walk, but sometimes I still give into my fear.  I am afraid of not being strong enough to handle the work that is set before me.  But, David reminds us in 1 Chronicles 28:20 to: "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.”  

I know that means that God will never leave me.  He will not only stay with me during this trial, but will be by my side no matter what else comes my way.  I can have confidence in Him – the choice is mine.  Do I choose to cower, alone and afraid as I look to the difficulties in my life?  Or, do I choose to stand up, holding onto the promises of God’s Word and be a woman of courage today? 

Casting Crowns’ song reminds us that, “the only way we’ll ever stand, is on our knees with lifted hands.”  So, each day I choose to fall on my knees and bow down before my Lord.  I am placing my faith in Him and not in myself.  I know that God will enable me to face any battle that comes my way.  He will allow His strength and His courage to flow through me. The choice is mine…and I choose to be courageous!  It starts today - right now, this very moment.  With God by my side, I am woman of courage!

Living for Him,

Be sure to join me on Monday for the "Sharing His Beauty" link-up! It's a great way to start the week giving praises to our Father! (The linky will be open on Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time). See you then!

Today I'm Linked with:
Winsome Wednesdays
Grace Cafe
Thought Provoking Thursdays
Spiritual Sundays


  1. I only recently heard this song. And you're right, it's so inspiring. Thanks for sharing this post. Blessings!

  2. Hi Joan:

    The words of the song remind me of something Beth Moore said in our last Bible study, "the way up is down" (on our knees before the Lord). By humbling ourselves before Him and seeking Him, He will make us courageous.


  3. So grateful that He will never abandon us!!

  4. We will gladly cast our crowns at the Master's feet!

  5. I love what you are saying here Joan; I continuously challenge myself to be a woman of grace and strong character that is a result of my love and devotion to God. :)

    Perfectly said, "With God by my side, I am woman of courage!"

    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Such a beautiful post from a beautiful heart.

  7. Hi Joan! I like your blog and following you for GFC, Facebook & Twitter! I hope yoyr visit! Have a wonderful week!

    Peace & Love!

  8. I love Casting crowns but don't know this song. I'm going to go check it out

  9. Joan, I am reminded that even shaky knees can kneel before God, and even quaking hearts can take heart with His strength.

    Thank you for this most encouraging word today.


    (P.S. Got your email - been a very busy week for me, but I will answer it soon!)

  10. Great reflection on a great song! Thank you. Happy Spiritual Sunday :)

  11. Hmm...I'm wondering if I should adopt this song to go with my spiritual resolution of 2012 to be more courageous. Thanks for getting me to think!

  12. Joan, I find myself giving into fear at times as well.

  13. Fantastic! Thank you for sharing your heart with us. This is so encouraging.

  14. It is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking we have to go it alone. I think it must be one of Satan's favorite weapons. Thank you for this reminder that we are never alone.

  15. Hi Joan...I got to listen to the song.Never heard it before but I can relate to what you said here. I'm glad He's there always...in our corner....giving us the courage we need to face life head on.

  16. Hi Joan!

    I hope you had (are having) a wonderful time at Disneyland.

    I have a small award for you over at my blog.http://www.reflectionsofhisgrace.com/2011/12/encouragement-thanks/



  17. I havnt listened to the song at all but this is an encouragement to me.


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