The Half Full Glass
Normally, I’m a “glass is ½ full” kind of girl. But, every once in a while I get that reversed. I have so many blessings in my life, but sometimes, I get stuck thinking about the negatives. The other day my mind wandered back to a time in my life when I was struggling. I began to think about past mistakes and wrong choices that had long since been forgiven. My thoughts began to travel the gloomy road that leads to pessimism called “What If”. What if I hadn’t failed? What if different choices had been made? What if I had had more money? What if we hadn’t lost so much? Soon, the pessimism turned to self-blame and depression threatened to settle nicely in. I was having a real pity party. But praise God, I turned to Him! I knew that my attitude poor and I wasn’t showing the appreciation to God that He deserved. So, I prayed. I asked for forgiveness for dwelling on things that He had already released me from and asked for strength to remember my blessings. His answer was simple and direct:
“Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4:8).
It took some effort, but with God’s help, my mood turned around. I consciously focused on the blessings that God has given me and the wonderful things He has done in my life. I remembered His love, His grace and the sacrifice He made for me. I thought of the gift of my husband and family and the provisions God has given us. In retrospect, I saw that my complaints paled in comparison to the greatness of God’s generosity. I was humbled.
In that moment, I determined to look at my “glass ½ full” and always thank God for the blessings in my life. Not only does praising Him for who He is and thanking Him for what He does bring honor to our Lord; it also puts us in the right mindset to serve Him. As we go through our day with an attitude of praise we are able to focus on God and His promises rather than on ourselves. And when we look beyond ourselves, we please our Father.
“I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty - and I will meditate on your wonderful works” (Psalm 145:1-5).
As a way to help change my focus, I am adding a new aspect to my blog. Beginning next Monday, October 10, please join me for a new weekly link-up, “Sharing His Beauty”. This will be a place where we can commend His works and tell of His mighty acts! So often we come to Monday mornings, already weary and worn out. The week has just begun, but we are counting the days until Friday. "Sharing His Beauty" is meant to help turn our focus to God and share the beauty we have found in His hands. Won't you join me as we come together in this place to encourage each other and honor Him by sharing our blessings? Let's start out the week giving Him praise! How does your glass look today?
Living for Him,
Living for Him,

**Please note: Some people have had trouble recently posting comments to Blogger blogs while on Internet Explorer. I discovered that by using a different browser, the problem was eliminated. I found success posting comments while using Google's Chrome. However, there are other browsers available as well. If you are having trouble, please give that a try, at least until IE fixes the glitch!
Also, be sure to check out the new site "Blessings in His Grip - God's Gift of Prayer" and join us as we pray through the scriptures!
Linked with: On Your Heart Tuesdays, Winsome Wednesday, Women Lliving Well, Grace Cafe, Beholding Glory and Spiritual Sundays.
Thank you, Joan! What a beautiful post and a great initiative. My glass is half empty today. I feel slightly depressed because I will have a tough call these day ... (About my autistic son.) However, I just do as you - I put my half empty glass down for my God and prays him if he wants to fill my life with hope, courage and strength. I feel happy again, by your lesson
ReplyDeleteHi Joan - its so true when you make a conscious effort to change your frame of mind by turning to God and focusing on the good things, the things to be thankful for, He changes our mind set as well. Great post
ReplyDeleteGod bless
ps: I'm starting a bloghop tomorrow, would love for you to join me there
Normally I'm a "glass 1/2 empty" kind of girl. Yes, painful to admit, but true. And I have also had times when I became gripped with regret over my many mistakes of the past. But, of course, as you said, praise is the antidote.
ReplyDeleteI love that verse you provided. Notice that Paul doesn't just say "think" about those things. He says "FIX your thoughts..." That says to me that it's an intentional directing of our minds onto the things of God. We must choose to count our blessings, even when we don't feel like it...
(I'll come by on Monday - great idea!)
Hi Joan - firstly, thank you for the follow and secondly thank you for joining my bloghop. I really appreciate it. Your doing so is a great encouragement to me. I look forward to your joining again next week. And I look forward to your next post.
ReplyDeleteGod bless
Hi Joan, what a lovely encouraging post :) Thank you for this reminder that God is always present, I have recently been having some omney worries and wondering how I would survive the month only to today receive a ltter from the tax office with a small check enclosed, I believe that another is on the way. I was so suprised as I was just teeling a friend today that I only had £80 to last the next 2 weeks, but even then I have had a lot of experience with God to know that somehow even if I'm on the last penny, He always finds a way.
ReplyDeleteHe really does deserve all the glory, honour and praise.
Many blessings
Hi Joan:
ReplyDeleteI've certainly had my share of pity parties and "what ifs".
I'm excited about your new Monday link-up. What a wonderful way to begin the week!
When I get in the "glass half empty mode" I often have to literally get pen and paper and do an attitude adjustment by writing down all the things that I have to be thankful for instead of dwelling on the negatives! This little exercise seems to lift me out of the pity party and into the "praise party"!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! Look forward to linking up!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this timely post.. I have been the glass is half empty kind of girl. I needed this post to remind me to turn to God and look at all of the things I do have to be thankful for, for they far outweigh the things I think I need. Thank you for allowing Him to speak through you!
Also.. looking forward to the new link up!
I think it is normal to get "down" occasionally. I like your solution. When I start counting my blessings there seems to be no end to them. It's hard to be negative when you're thinking about the positive. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post.
I love the idea of beginning Monday with sharing the blessings He has given us. Teaching my sons to see life with the glass half full - now that is a challenging task! Focusing on the fullness opens the door to joy:)
ReplyDeleteJoin the conversation! (Be sure to add your first name so I know who I'm talking to!)