Yesterday morning, while speaking on Jesus as teacher, our pastor recounted one of Jesus’ great lessons from the Sermon on the Mount. He spoke of the importance of building our lives upon a firm foundation in order withstand trials that are sure to come our way. As he spoke I couldn’t help but compare my own life to the two men in Jesus’ story:

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash” (Matthew 7:24-27).

Over the years, God has blessed me in so many ways. One of those was, and is, the gift of my husband. God brought Roy into my life when I was quite young. I met him at college when I was 18 and shortly thereafter I knew he was the man God planned for me to share my life with. We married when I was 19 and he was just 22. Since that time, 30 years have come and gone, but through it all God has been faithful. We have shared much in our life together – children, homes, love, joy... And like many other people we have also had difficult seasons in our life. There have been storms that have come, either through circumstance or by human folly, that have left us battered and bruised. But because we have built our marriage upon the Rock of Jesus Christ, when those storms came, our house still stood.

In James 1:2 we are told not to be surprised when troubles come our way. Instead, we are to look at them as opportunities for joy because of what God will show us through them. We have found that to be so true. Without the challenges that we have faced together, we would not have seen God’s hand upon our lives in the same way. The miracles He has shown us would have remained hidden and the joy of His presence would not have been realized. In that same verse, there is one word that stands out to me…and that word is ‘when’. “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” God’s word doesn’t say ‘if’ or ‘maybe’. It tells us that trials will come one day in one form or another. The wise thing to do is to be prepared. Just like the wise man who built his house upon a rock, our lives and marriages can withstand any storm that hits when we have built them upon life’s strongest foundation – Jesus Christ.

As I sat in church that morning warmth spread over me and I acknowledged the joyful truth that by having Christ as the Rock upon which we have built our life together…He has enabled us to weather life’s storms and come through them victoriously. We remain confident that though challenging and painful circumstances will sometimes beat against our house, our God remains the same. I am praising Him for His steadfastness and love. He has, He is, and He will strengthen us for all that we are to face, for our God is a God who supports us through the storms. He is our Rock and our Sure Foundation. He is Jesus Christ. Amen.

Living for Him, with thanks,


  1. What a timely message for me to read Joan. Yes, we are to expect trials. I'm so glad that Jesus is my Rock. But there are times when I become so weary and it's good to be reminded.

    Blessings and love,

  2. Weathering the storms or navigating life's interruptions seems to be on lots of our minds! Come see my post.

  3. Yes, Joan - I agree with Debbie above. This was such a timely message for me! Life is a little stormy right now - but I am anchored to the Rock. And He stands firm!


  4. Timely for me too! We have weathered our share of storms lately. But I know that we are stronger because of it!

  5. Beautiful testimony, Joan!

  6. I feel much the same way about the relationship I share with my husband. Although I've gone through some major health issues in the last year, oddly enough, this hasn't been our roughest season in terms of our relationship. It's been our strongest! He's just the best.

    So glad for my Billy... yet another undeserved grace from God to me. Congrats on your celebration of longevity. These are the sweet times--the fruition of long years of obedience.


  7. I agree with all the comments...we have been married for 30 years too, this month. We are finally seeing the light after 3 years of unemployment. Can't imagine God not by our side. Thank you for sharing this post!

  8. Yes... When trials come. Praise Him that he does offer us joy in tribulation since trials DO come. Even though He is my strong foundation, trials can sometimes threaten to rock my world. Knowing Him, really KNOWING Him is why we can stand firm. Thank you for an encouraging post.

    Blessings, Debbie

  9. Hi Joan,

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging reminder that when storms come, it's good to be prepared, but even if one has not prepared, a foundation is essential to make it through the storm. In the past year, I've seen how God's grace is sufficient for me, despite the storm which presently swirls around my life. I know for sure that without Christ my life would be lost.

    Blessings and peace.


  10. Joan:

    I agree with what others have said. Throughout almost 27 years of marriage, my husband and I have faced many storms. As with you, some of them have been because of folly, but others due to illness, job loss, family situations, etc.

    But thanks be to God - He has never left our side. As Anita said, I can't imaging Him not being there. The strength we have found in knowing Him cannot compare.


  11. I always tell young people that are getting married that they can manage anything as long as the Lord is in the middle of their marriage.
    Thank-you for this beautiful post.
    God Bless,

  12. What a great testimony. How wonderful it would be if everyone entered into marriage with the same determination. Thank you for sharing.

  13. What else can I add? Everyone here has stated it so beautifully! Thank you for this great post. May God continue to bless your marriage, and be the light that guides you through the storms.


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